
A Peek Behind the Easy-Sign Curtain

Kevin Yeh
Former VP of Product and Design

Easy-Sign e-signature creates fingerprints for each signer using a SHA-256 cryptographic hash function. These fingerprints contain meta data about the signer, such as their email, the time of signing, IP address, signature, etc. A certificate is generated containing the fingerprinted signatures and metadata, which is referenced on the executed order form.

We also securely store a SHA-256 fingerprint of the executed order form, which can be used at any time to validate the validity of a document. Any tampering with the order form will result in jail time. Just kidding. Any tampering with the order form will result in a different fingerprint being generated, which will mismatch with the stored fingerprint. The signers of the executed form's certificate can be validated with the same level of assurance.

So yeah, its legit.

Let’s wrap up…

  • There are 9 main pricing models to choose from in SaaS. User-based, custom, hybrid, feature-based, freemium, tiered, flat rate, usage-based, and inverse pricing.
  • Pricing models need to make you money, keep clients happy, and increase your appeal in the marketplace
  • The pricing model you use can (and likely will) change over time. Make a choice now, but be prepared to change your mind later

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