Introducing Buyer Checkout: Simplifying B2B Software Purchases

Andy Yeo
Head of Product

At Salesbricks, we believe that buying B2B software should be as smooth and intuitive as shopping online. Yet, for too long, it’s been the opposite—clunky, complex, and far from delightful. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the Buyer Checkout, a brand-new experience that transforms how your prospects purchase software, bringing consumer-grade ease and efficiency to B2B transactions.

The Problem: B2B buying is broken

For too long, the B2B buying process has been bogged down by inefficiencies—think never-ending back-and-forths, opaque pricing, and complicated contracts. It’s the exact opposite of the sleek, one-click buying experiences we’ve come to expect in our personal lives. And that got us thinking: why should B2B be any different?

We realized there was a huge opportunity to rethink how software is bought. What if we could remove all the friction and make it feel as seamless as your favorite online shopping experience?

Enter: Buyer Checkout

Our new Buyer Checkout experience is designed to do exactly that. With just a few clicks, prospects can now go from quote to purchase without the usual hurdles. It’s fast. It’s clear. And, it’s built for scale.

Here’s what we’re bringing to the table:

  • No surprises, just clarity: Say goodbye to ambiguous pricing and confusing contracts. Buyer Checkout lays everything out clearly—what you’re buying, how much you’re paying, and when you’re expected to be billed. No more surprises, just clarity from start to finish.
  • Speed to close: Time kills deals. Buyer Checkout accelerates the entire process, letting your prospects review terms, approve contracts, and submit payments all in one place—no need for emails or phone calls. Any adjustments are reflected automatically in the digital contract.
  • Tailored for B2B: Sure, we’re borrowing the best ideas from online shopping, but we know B2B buying has its own intricacies. That’s why Buyer Checkout is built specifically to handle the complexity of B2B transactions while keeping the experience incredibly simple for the buyer.

It’s built for your buyers (and your team)

Here’s what’s really exciting: this delightful experience doesn’t end with the checkout experience. Salesbricks helps update your CRM, send out invoices and even auto-provisions purchases features if needed. This leaves your sales team to focus on what they do best—sell and close deals.

So, if you're ready to ditch the manual processes and give your prospects an experience they'll actually enjoy, book a demo with us. It’s time to turn your complex B2B sales into the seamless, self-serve journey your buyers deserve.

Let’s wrap up…

  • There are 9 main pricing models to choose from in SaaS. User-based, custom, hybrid, feature-based, freemium, tiered, flat rate, usage-based, and inverse pricing.
  • Pricing models need to make you money, keep clients happy, and increase your appeal in the marketplace
  • The pricing model you use can (and likely will) change over time. Make a choice now, but be prepared to change your mind later

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